
Canadian Criminology Today (7th Edition) – eBook

eBook Details

  • Authors: Frank Schmalleger, Rebecca Volk
  • File Size: 50 MB
  • Format: PDF
  • Length: 381 Pages
  • Publisher: Pearson Canada; Seventh Edition (Canadian)
  • Publication Date: 17 September, 2022
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B09GJXR21P
  • ISBN-10: 0136617883, 0136617891
  • ISBN-13: 9780136617884, 9780136617891

Original price was: $84.00.Current price is: $16.00.

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About The Author

Frank Schmalleger

Frank Schmalleger

Dr. Frank Schmalleger, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor and Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. He obtained his master's and doctorate in sociology from The Ohio State University, focusing on criminology. From 1976 to 1994, he taught various criminal justice courses at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. He served as the Department of Sociology, Social Work, and Criminal Justice Chair for the last 16 years. Schmalleger also contributed to the development of Webster University's graduate program in security administration and loss prevention, where he worked as an adjunct professor for over a decade.

In addition, he played a crucial role in creating the world's first electronic classrooms for distance learning through computer telecommunications while teaching in the New School for Social Research's online graduate program. Schmalleger is an enthusiastic web user and has designed award-winning websites.

Rebecca Volk

The thematic approach of Schmalleger & Volk’s Canadian Criminology Today, 7th Edition, is dualistic: on the one hand, it presents a social responsibility framework, which holds that crime may manifest underlying cultural issues, such as poverty, discrimination, and the breakdown of traditional social institutions. On the other, it contrasts the social responsibility approach with an individual responsibility perspective, which claims that individuals are fundamentally responsible for their behaviour and maintains that they choose crime over other, more law-abiding courses of action.

Criminologists find themselves wondering what new laws might been acted to add additional control to the globalization of crime, the misuse of technology, and the rise of transnational terrorism as policy-makers and criminal justice personnel strive to remain one step ahead of these emerging trends in crime and criminality.

For the student of crime and criminal behaviour, the crucial question that remains to be answered is why? – why, despite all the theorizing and studies, can we not “solve” the crime puzzle? Do some people commit acts of mass shootings because they are “born violent”? Or is it their exposure to violence in childhood that is the cause? What motivates one person and not another to violate social norms? And does this motivation vary according to the type of law broken? Why does a corporate conglomerate’s affluent chief executive officer engage in financial fraud while the young person living in a high-crime neighbourhood remains crime-free? This latest Canadian Criminology Today: Theories and Applications, 7th Edition (PDF) continues to examine these questions, offering students a clear, contemporary, and comprehensive introduction to criminology that encourages critical thinking about the causes of crime and crime prevention strategies.

Additional ISBNs for Canadian Criminology Today 7E: 978-0136617884, 978-0136617891

All Our Price Are In US$

NOTE: This sale only includes the ebook Canadian Criminology Today, 7th Edition, in PDF. No access codes are included.


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